City Umbrella offer a simple, convenient employment solution. You carry out the work for the client, complete your timesheet and submit any business expenses to us. We bill the agency, cover our costs from the amount they pay us, and pay you as our employee. It really is that simple.
City Umbrella will be your employer which gives you full employment rights, including holiday pay, a workplace pension scheme and statutory payments for maternity/paternity and sick leave.
Depending on the particular details of your assignment, you may be able to claim for certain business expenses that you incur while you’re working. We’ll discuss your particular situation with you in detail so you know exactly what you can claim for.
Being a permanent employee also makes it much easier to secure important things like loans and mortgages as you’ll have one continuous employment, even if you work for many different agencies and clients during your time with us.
To find out more about employment with City Umbrella please call us on xxxxxxxxxxx or email info@cityumbrella.co.uk